February 2024

1 2982. Specimens
2 2983. The whole shebang
4 2984. Eggs for breakfast
5 2985. Boys' summer camp
6 2986. Lovely old lady
7 2987. AI electrification
8 2988. A duty done
9 2989. Double deaths
10 2990. Tooth fairies
11 2991. Society's victim
12 2992. Wizardry
13 2993. Proposal
14 2994. Things happen
15 2995. Kissing frogs
16 2996. He lived alone
17 2997. An affair
18 2998. It makes scents
19 2999. Traditions of magic
20 3000. Shredded
January 2024

1 2951. Happy New Year!
2 2952. Be resolute!
3 2953. Moon bathing
4 2954. Ground meat aka mince
5 2955. Morning assignment
6 2956. Beautiful lilies
7 2957. Desperation
8 2958. What?
9 2959. Contaminated banana
10 2960. The punishment fits the crime
11 2961. Marriage plans
12 2962. Splashing about
13 2963. Red wine, white wine
14 2964. Surprise gift
15 2965. On the pink phone
16 2966. Waiting
17 2967. Chicken husbandry
18 2968. The beautiful inheritance
19 2969. No pass mountain pass
20 2970. Hardened hearts
21 2971. Hula hooping
22 2972. Many names, many guises
23 2973. Punctured
24 2974. Feeling run down?
25 2975. Extension electrocution
26 2976. Hilarious hairdressers
27 2977. Science Non-fiction
28 2978. Ancient planet
29 2979. A guest blogger
30 2980. Stench
31 2981. A letter of complaint
December 2023

1 2921. Hang on
2 2922. The singing wolf
3 2923. Barter
4 2924. Boy Giant
5 2925. The bread maker
6 2926. Fixed in a jiffy
7 2927. A happy death
8 2928. Meet the greats
9 2929. Oops!
10 2930. Today we're gonna learn histry
11 2931. A pain in the
12 2932. When your number's up
13 2933. Heidi's day
14 2934. Just in case
15 2935. A brief moment
16 2936. Funerals for magnates
17 2937. Uncles Steve gets lunch
18 2938. The doodled sketch
19 2939. Ingratitude
20 2940. Beau the Cat
21 2941. Yakety Yak
22 2942. The goose is getting fat!
23 2943. A special Christmas present
24 2944. The hassles of retirement
25 2945. A Christmas cruise
26 2946. Boxing Day
27 2947. Exotic fruit
28 2948. Dylan Thingamabob
29 2949. Tale of a damp squib
30 2950. Farewell to the old year
November 2023

1 2891. Perpetual motion
2 2892. Hiding the corpse
3 2893. Madagascan family
4 2894. Distasteful food
5 2895. Yeah, love you too
6 2896. Turnip farmer
7 2897. Doreen's birthday
8 2898. At the bus stop
9 2899. Go for it
10 2900. Vehicle accidents
11 2901. Wizardry
12 2902. The white owl
14 2904. Reticulated python
15 2905. Safe driving
16 2906. Husband's passing
17 2907. An educational lesson
18 2908. A Mexican advertisement
19 2909. GRUB
20 2910. Indeed a blessing
21 2911. Unimagined disaster
22 2912. Apple pie
23 2913. Much to be thankful for
24 2914. Your privacy is protected
25 2915. Guardian Angels
26 2916. The truth about unicorns
27 2917. First grandchild
28 2918. Honey
29 2919. At your service
30 2920. Forbidden fruit

October 2023

1 2861. The chance of a lifetime
2 2862. Flower Festival Winner
3 2863. Tu-whit tu-whoo
4 2864. As luck would have it
5 2865. Summer work
6 2866. Old school friend
7 2867. Check the carton
8 2868. The old man
9 2869. Electric bicycles
10 2870. How do you spell that?
11 2871. Swamp heron
12 2872. Dinner invitation
13 2873. Stupid old git
14 2874. Marshmallows for grandma
15 2875. The sunset
16 2876. Town Square statue
17 2877. Drought
18 2878. A bit of home cooking
19 2879. Envelope under the door
20 2880. Death by...
21 2881. Online dating
22 2882. Parole
23 2883. Room to think
24 2884. A new beginning
25 2885. Farewell Fairy
26 2886. Palm reading
27 2887. Mother's birthday
28 2888. It's my seat
29 2889. Amazing maze
31 2890. A true story for Halloween
September 2023

1 2831. Debut performance
2 2832. The spirit world
3 2833. Revenge
4 2834. Your a goner
5 2835. Birthday cake
6 2836. Stranded
7 2837. Floating
8 2838. The prettiest garden
9 2839. Final flight
10 2840. No room
11 2841. A letter of complaint
12 2842. Wedding of the century
13 2843. Out to dinner
14 2844. An intergalactic yearning
15 2845. Letitia eats fruit
16 2846. Disappearing taillights
17 2847. Not a fruitless way of life
18 2848. Till death us do part
19 2849. Subway
20 2850. Cross-cultural enrichment
21 2851. The trials of being a student
22 2852. What future is there?
23 2853. Murderous happenstance
24 2854. Chance of escape
25 2855. The squall
26 2856. Priceless
27 2857. Let's get things done
28 2858. Travelogue
29 2859. College accommodation
30 2860. Roman's legacy
August 2023

1 2801. Theatrical improvisation
2 2802. A horrible nightmare
3 2803. A disappointing story, story-wise
4 2804. The last time I saw him
5 2805. SLURP!
6 2806. Useless gifts
7 2807. The mechanic
8 2808. Almost a team
9 2809. Fiddle sticks!
10 2810. What happens to despotic teachers
11 2811. Puppetry
12 2812. The hoarder
13 2813. Lamp unplugged
14 2814. The Gardens of Heaven
15 2815. The Rupert Equation
16 2816. Have a nice evening
17 2817. Griselda goes missing
18 2818. Acrophobia
19 2819. The door is always open
20 2820. The homemaker
21 2821. You're useless
22 2822. Keeping goldfish
23 2823. Rugby team
24 2824. By way of explanation
25 2825. Best friends
26 2826. Teddy Bear's pick-nicked
27 2827. The novelist
28 2828. Don't do it
29 2829. Everlasting youth
30 2830. You're the artist
July 2023

1 2771. Escape
2 2772. Taking a stand
3 2773. Language doesn't hang around
4 2774. Explosive
5 2775. God bless this house
6 2776. A hoax?
7 2777. Blooming plants
8 2778. Athol Patrick Huntington
9 2779. Squawk the Cockatoo
10 2780. O Soldier! Soldier!
11 2781. A little romance
12 2782. Toothache
13 2783. Ever after
14 2784. O happy world!
15 2785. A seat on a rocket
16 2786. Violet's cork board
17 2787. Spenser woke up
18 2788. The survivor
19 2789. I thought I'd be dead by now
20 2790. Bathroom renovation
21 2791. Cooking rum
22 2792. Don't you know who I am?
23 2793. Transmogrificatiom
24 2794. By-pass
25 2795. The dressmaker
26 2796. Hitting the wrong note
27 2797. Our little secret
28 2798. The down-to-earth princess
29 2799. A new coffee mug
30 2800. My town
June 2023

1 2741. The birthday party
2 2742. Damsel in distress
3 2743. Shooting lesson
4 2744. Under the table
5 2745. Thursday's Sally Lunn
6 2746. Cat food
7 2747. A sensible story for once
8 2748. Lost opportunity
9 2749. A sad reunion
10 2750. Bon voyage
11 2751. International travel
12 2752. Gone fishing
13 2753. Only one murderer
14 2754. Parachute jump
15 2755. Jump!
16 2756. Scuba diving in coral
17 2757. Is it always cold in here?
18 2758. Thingamabob
19 2759. Whathisname
20 2760. You know who you are
21 2761. Thingummy
22 2762. A thing of beauty is a joy forever
23 2763. Vaporization
24 2764. Creature of habit
25 2765. Wonderful news!
26 2766. Be prepared
27 2767. Post Apocalypse
28 2768. Equity farming
29 2769. A very pretty dish
30 2770. On reflection

May 2023

1 2711. Maypole dancing
2 2712. The scimitar
3 2713. Only one wish
4 2714. The first guest
5 2715. Despicably-rotten
6 2716. Hip Hip Hooray!
7 2717. Theatre Monologue Darling
8 2718. I can't believe it's the 8th of May
9 2719. Let's stay in touch
10 2720. Wedding attire
11 2721. Gareth's walk
12 2722. The call of nature
13 2723. AI
14 2724. Restacking shelves
15 2725. Solid butter
16 2726. Be careful who you date
17 2727. Autumn garden preparation
18 2728. Beyond the garden shed
19 2729. What's in a name?
20 2730. Vegetables
21 2731. No pets
22 2732. Airport ordeal
23 2733. ZINDABAD!
24 2734. Swings and roundabouts
25 2735. Love is in the air
26 2736. The curse
27 2737. The fishing trip
28 2738. Ask not for whom the bell tolls
29 2739. Tobogganing
30 2740. Presidential portrait
April 2023

1 2681. My father's smile
2 2682. A special doll
3 2683. I feel like a new person
4 2684. Exhumation demanded
5 2685. Family dinner
6 2686. Two souls, one body
7 2687. Soup
8 2688. Worry
9 2689. Pious Phillip
10 2690. Roasted yams
11 2691. Overheard barnyard conversation
12 2692. A sweet story
13 2693. Good luck, bad luck
14 2694. Organically grown vegetables
15 2695. The snapping turtle
16 2696. Archie goes progressively blind
17 2697. Winter warmth
18 2698. Stuffy people
19 2699. A true story
20 2700. For no rhyme or reason
21 2701. Unlucky
22 2702. Home not alone
23 2703. Hounded by a goblin
24 2704. The first day
25 2705. The Last Post
26 2706. The pies have it
27 2707. Brave new world
28 2708. When Melville pulled the trigger
29 2709. What a party!
30 2710. Monopolies
March 2023

1 2651. At a wedding reception
2 2652. Fabulous new car
3 2653. Collecting firewood
4 2654. An astonishingly resourceful idea
5 2655. Slavery through the ages
6 2656. Oh to be six again
7 2657. Leaving for college
8 2658. Oh that's terrible
9 2659. A national census
10 2660. Intergalactic mining
11 2661. An accidental death
12 2662. A goodnight sleep
13 2663. Final exam
14 2664. To win the day
15 2665. My bank service
16 2666. Shadows
17 2667. On this particular day
18 2668. Life is so fragile
19 2669. On becoming a princess
20 2670. The dangerous lake
21 2671. Party game
22 2672. New job
23 2673. Bigotry
24 2674. Alien encounter
25 2675. Body bumps
26 2676. Bloody murder
27 2677. Pre-planned honeymoon
28 2678. Unsolved double murder
29 2679. Fruit slice
30 2680. Nostradamus II
February 2023

1 2626D. A Memorable Event - Part D
2 2627. Witch Woke
3 2628. Laundry shelf saga
4 2629. The end of the Egg-Timer
5 2630. Choosing a profession
6 2631. Garden tools
7 2632. The invisible cloak
9 2633. Death by coffee mug
10 2634. How to fix things
11 2635. Felicitous dream
12 2636. Shark attack
13 2637. Leonardo's plastic
14 2638. Valentine's Day Massacre
15 2639. The kind doctor
16 2640. Back street triumvirate
17 2641. An exciting cruise
18 2642. A can of worms
19 2643. To be open
20 2644. Get vaccinated
21 2645. Landon enters Paradise
22 2646. Modern Day Math(s) Exam
25 2647. Habitual drinking
26 2648. A very pretty wedding
27 2649. A wet summer
28 2650. How to milk a cow
January 2023

1 2601. Takes the cake
2 2602. Madam Prime Minister
3 2603. A dog's life
4 2604. Quails' eggs
5 2605. An alien favour
6 2606. Masquerade
7 2607. Yet another story about stuffed cherry tomatoes
8 2608. How the planet was saved
9 2609. Elizabeth’s bout of arachnophobia
10 2610. The state of education?
11 2611. The seven deadly sins
12 2612. What's for dinner?
13 2613. Elephant ride
14 2614. WARNING!
15 2615. The black tulip
16 2616. Stephanie the Cat
17 2617. My Coronation Sussex Chickens
18 2618. A fairy story
19 2619. Swim between the flags
20 2620. This morning's coffee
22 2621. Old friends
23 2622. Rhubarb jam
24 2623. Potted plants
27 2624. Pet rat's lifespan
28 2625. Slight of hand
29 2626A. A Memorable Event - Part A
30 2626B. A Memorable Event - Part B
31 2626C. A Memorable Event - Part C

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