2824. By way of explanation
© Bruce Goodman 24 August 2023

Some might wonder- although no one has ever said – why so few (if any) of my stories are set in New Zealand.

Let me quote from some recent New Zealand flash fiction sites, and it might indicate why I prefer to write in a more universal English! Don’t get me wrong – I’ve nothing against it - but I have only three followers who live in New Zealand and two of them are French! So I will stick to being more universally accessible (for the time being).

Here are some quotations:

1. When Kaikaraka call, the world stands still. The Tūpuna gather. Powhiri has begun. The Kaikōrero has gathered up these callings. Stands, speaks safely, speaks knowingly. Kaiwaiata sing to support the Kaikōrero, and the Manuhiri. Their voices, lift, swirl and settle the spoken words. The Kaikarakia makes the blessing to begin the Hui.

Actually, one example is probably enough! I do not speak New Zealand Maori, but I would be familiar with all these Maori words in an English context.

Haere ra!

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