2899. Go for it
© Bruce Goodman 8 November 2023

It was the most important conference call in my life. It was a job interview for a television news announcing job. I would first have to read a news item as if I was fronting a television program, and then I would be asked a few questions. Of course I almost knew the news item off by heart. It was about a zoologist’s effort to save the blue-tailed sugarcane bat. I could hardly read it without laughing at its oddness.

There was only ten minutes to go and I was getting really nervous. I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. It was while returning from the kitchen that I slipped on the linoleum, threw the hot coffee over my face and shirt, and knocked a front tooth out on the corner of the kitchen counter.

Oomph! I was on! You know what? After a bit of explaining I got the job.

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