2938. The doodled sketch
© Bruce Goodman 18 December 2023

Angus had taken a blank piece of paper and doodled a sketch on it. It was this piece of paper that the police had taken. It was to be the prime piece of evidence at the trial for murder. Yes, Angus had been arrested for the murder of Hyacinth in her own home. The sketch was a map of the rooms in her house. She had been found murdered in the laundry.

Angus didn’t know Hyacinth particularly well. They were neighbours. He occasionally popped over for a coffee and a chat. On this particular day Angus had rung her doorbell. There was no answer so he returned home. Several hours later he received a visit from the police. They had a search warrant. That is when they too the sketch - and Angus along with it.

At the trial Angus tried to explain to the judge that he wasn’t particularly skilled in the art department. He occasionally doodled a bit here and there. He had no aspirations to be an artist.

“It certainly is not very skilled,” said the judge holding up the drawing. “But it seems most definitely to be a plan of the late Hyacinth’s house. You have even marked the spot of the murder with an X.”

“Your Honour,” said Angus. “You’re holding my drawing upside down. I was trying to map out my vegetable garden; where to plant what. The cross in the supposed laundry is where I thought I’d put the birdbath.”

The onlookers laughed. The judge was embarrassed. That is why Angus got the absolute maximum for murder.

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