2982. Specimens
© Bruce Goodman 1 February 2024

One of the first things that Earth Scientists did when they discovered that the Planet Dugawa was inhabited by intelligent life forms, was to capture a dozen or so specimens, put them down, and dissect them. The Dugawanes were certainly an interesting example of what happens when the evolutionary path goes awry. For starters, those from Dugawa had no mouth. In fact it seemed that they didn’t need to breathe or eat. All was a bit of a mystery.

Even the taxidermists had trouble preparing them for display. In fact, the first batch were completely ruined and a second dozen or so Dugawanes had to be gathered and dissected.

Eventually the displays proved very popular with the Earthlings. So many people around the globe clamoured to see that a third batch of specimens was ordered. Even more puzzling than having no mouths were their sexual organs. Of course on Dugawa they wore clothes, but the taxidermists discovered this fascinating physical feature and so it was decided to display them naked so all could view the extraordinary sexual apparatus.

All came to a head when several Dugawanes were caught trying to kidnap an Earthling for questioning. That lead to a full scale interplanetary war, which of course Earth won because of its superior strength and weaponry. Up until then the Dugawans didn’t even have a word for “War”! How backward is that? As time passed Earthlings lost interest in the Dugawanes. Besides, the displays had begun to look a bit tatty.

The Dugawanes had not been idle over the years. They now had a word for “War”. They had worked on it. Having all of Earth’s atmosphere sucked out into outer space would have come as a shock to Earthlings had any survived.

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