2931. A pain in the
© Bruce Goodman 11 December 2023

The Toadiles are interesting creatures resulting from a reptilian evolutionary process. Accepted as such by literally hundreds of other cosmic intelligent civilizations, the Toadiles are regarded as the most intelligent creatures in the Universe. The Toadiles’ planet is on the outskirts of the Cosmos. Their planet has been watched by many other extra-terrestrial creatures but never interfered with. In fact, during the five thousand years of watching, not a single alien onlooker has made themselves known to the Toadiles. The Toadiles are admired and studied, but none have communicated or made themselves known. Such an imposition would be regarded as meddling with Nature’s evolutionary progress. In fact, no mutual interaction is the unspoken rule of the entire Cosmos.

The Toadiles are a reserved bunch; polite in the extreme. They are one of the few planets in the Cosmos whose language has no word for “War”. Harmony reigns supreme on the Toadiles’ planet.

There came a rather backward and slow-evolving band of partially intelligent alien halfwits. They were new to the scene. They landed on the Toadiles’ planet; made their presence felt in the brashest possible way, touted and flouted their superiority, killed and mutilated Toadile specimens, and introduced diseases never heard of in that part of the Universe.

One major Toadile newspaper led the charge to ban these foreign aliens altogether: “Quite frankly these Earthlings are a pain in our keratinized epidermises."

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