2862. Flower Festival Winner
© Bruce Goodman 2 October 2023

What a thrill for me! An absolute thrill. I came first in our local Horticultural Flower Festival. I entered a bunch of tulips.

At first the judges were taken aback. “We initially thought your flowers must be artificial because they are so perfect. The colours are brilliant. The shape of each flower is perfection. Your tulips are a clear winner. They are impeccable.”

I hadn’t entered the Flower Festival for the sake of the prize money although I was able to bank $500. I entered it for the pleasure I get from flowers and the pleasure flowers give to others. Next year I might enter the scented flowers section of the competition. I like a challenge.

Of course, flowers don’t last forever. When I got home I put the tulips on the fire. They quickly melted.

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