2751. International travel
© Bruce Goodman 11 June 2023

The coffee isn’t as good as the coffee you can buy at home.

The movie theatre is so expensive. It’s twice the cost of what it is at home.

The locals seem to have coleslaw with every meal. I’m sick to death of coleslaw.

The streets are so crowded. It’s like thousands of maggots on a dead sheep. I’m constantly bumping into people.

The locals are so rude. They’re pushy. They’re loud. Unlike home they have not a scrap of courtesy.

They seem to make a great song and dance about the architectural wonder of their Town Hall. Honest to goodness we have one of those on every corner back home.

The weather here is absolutely shocking. You’d think they’d warn people that the weather here is lousy.

Honestly dear. You should have stayed at home instead of coming here.

Stay at home? Goodness me! It’s good to expand ones horizons and be open to other cultures.

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