2646. Modern Day Math(s) Exam
© Bruce Goodman 22 February 2023

!. Place a tick (check) in the box next to the CORRECT sentences below.
2. When you have done that, place a tick (check) next to the INCORRECT sentences below.

□ Harry and me cleaned the car.
□ Harry and I cleaned the car.
□ I and Harry cleaned the car.
□ Me and Harry cleaned the car.
□ The car was cleaned by Harry and me.
□ The car was cleaned by Harry and I.
□ The car was cleaned by I and Harry.
□ The car was cleaned by me and Harry.

3. There are eight (8) sentences above. Count how many sentences there are and tick (check) the box that has the correct number. When you have done that, tick (check) the incorrect boxes:

□ 1
□ 4
□ 8
□ 11

4. NOTE TO TEACHER AIDE: Please give this completed test to the student so that he/she/zee might hand it to the exam supervisor.

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