2968. The beautiful inheritance
© Bruce Goodman 18 January 2024

Sharon and Gordon were sister and brother. They were now grown-up with families of their own. Their great-aunt Audrey was about as rich as can be. She was getting on in years and Sharon and Gordon being the only living relatives were very much looking forward to her demise.

Great-aunt Audrey’s probable passing was a topic of conversation when the two families each summer combined on a camping trip to the lake. Great-aunt Audrey’s money and its accompanying wish list was an integral part of campfire chatter.

Then, sadly, great-aunt Audrey died. She left all her money to Sharon. Gordon didn’t get a penny; not a brass razoo.

Sharon and Gordon haven’t spoken since Gordon took Sharon to court to try to squeeze some inheritance money out of her. In fact they downright hate each other’s guts. Thanks great-aunt Audrey.

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