2810. What happens to despotic teachers
© Bruce Goodman 10 August 2023

Ms Miranda McCauley was a dictatorial teacher with a nasty streak. She set a series of topics for her creative writing class of fourteen year olds. “Write a story involving animals. It has to be true.”

Philip knew exactly what he was going to write about: the event that led to the disappearance of his chickens.

One day Philip was in the chicken run about to feed his chickens when a space craft swept down and as if it was batman an extra-terrestrial being swooped from the craft and gathered Philip’s chickens before returning to the craft. A voice came – as if over a loud speaker: We’re sorry. We didn’t see you there. Even aliens have to eat. Here is a gift.” Something dropped from the space craft. It looked like some sort of wand. Philip didn’t have a clue what it was for or how to use it.

Of course Ms Miranda McCauley was outraged. She put Philip on detention for gross disobedience. She even used the word “insubordination” but no one in the class knew what it meant.

Philip was heartbroken. The next day he brought the alien wand to show his teacher. She screamed: “Don’t point that thing at me you horrible liar.” Dribble began to run down her chin. Her nose began to transform into a snout. She got down on all fours and rummaged through the classroom trash can in search of discarded apple cores. She had turned into a warthog.

Later, when Philip tried to do the same thing to his crabby Science teacher, there was no power left in the wand. It could be used only the once. Ms Miranda McCauley is now locked up in the local zoo where most despotic teachers should be. Her former pupils sometimes visit and bring rotten fruit.

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