2843. Out to dinner © Bruce Goodman 13 September 2023 |
Drive carefully dear. I know we’ve had a little too much to drink at the Wilson’s. And who could blame us? What a horrible evening. I kept having another wine to try and cheer up the experience. Imagine the Wilson’s inviting us to dinner at their new house. We’ve never known them particularly well. I suspect they simply want to rub their new house in our faces. And she did all the decorating herself. I don’t mean she did the work – she wouldn’t know one end of a paintbrush from the other – but she designed the décor. She certainly didn’t like it when I said that the colour of the drapes didn’t match the colour of the tasteless wallpaper. That was when you chimed in with “The tasteless wallpaper matches the tastelessness of the salad.” That was hilarious. It kept me laughing all evening. Thank goodness you added a redeeming feature to the meal. And what a mess their kitchen is. I asked why did they get such an inadequate oven in a modern kitchen. It certainly looked out of place. I don’t know how she manages to cook in it. No wonder the roast was undercooked. I said to her that the roast looks like it could do with another half an hour, but she didn’t listen. I’m not inclined to reciprocate a dinner invite with them soon. They’re so rude. Not our type at all really. And the wine! It was the cheapest plonk they could find. Shows you what they really think of us. Back to Index Next Story Previous Story |