968. Guest violinist
© Bruce Goodman 4 June 2016

Would he come and play his violin? They had heard he was a very good musician. They had put money aside, and once every two weeks someone was invited to talk or give a presentation of some sort.

Two weeks ago they had a visiting heart surgeon speak to them about the latest advances in cardio-vascular research. Of course, a heart surgeon costs the earth, but it was worth every cent, and he also gave a few tips as to how best to look after ones heart.

Before that the local representative of the “Save the Dolphin Society” spoke about the need to protect the rare Hector's Dolphin against getting caught in fishing nets. He too got paid handsomely for his efforts.

And now, could you come and play your violin? He practised for it all week.

And indeed he did play wonderfully! The applause! And they gave him a lovely thank you card:

Thank you for sharing your gift of music with us all. You have indeed been blessed with a wonderful talent, and it is marvellous to see someone giving so freely of something they enjoy.

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