969. New to the farm
© Bruce Goodman 5 June 2016

A sheep, a cow, and a pig are standing at the farm fence watching the arrival of a truck with new livestock.

Sheep: Who do you suppose is arriving this time?
Cow: It could be a cow.
Pig: It could be a pig.
Sheep: It could be a sheep.

Two ostriches step off the truck and on to the field.

Pig: What are they doing here?
Cow: (calling out) Go home, you dirty foreigners.
Sheep: We have lived on this land for generations.
Pig: No room here. It’s crowded enough as it is.

Cow: They messed up their own land, and so now they have to come and mess up ours.
Sheep: Here goes the neighbourhood.
Pig: They say ostriches can kick something terrible. They’re introducing violence into society.
Cow: Next thing they’ll expect us to welcome alpacas.

Pig and Sheep: (in shock) Alpacas! Whatever for?

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