967. Coffee grinder
© Bruce Goodman 3 June 2016

If there was one thing Gaylene disliked doing every day, it was grinding the coffee beans. She had an electric grinder. It made a huge noise. Of course she could have purchased pre-ground coffee, but it was never as fresh. So out came the electric coffee grinder.

Her husband was the coffee drinker. Gaylene herself drank tea. He insisted on the home-ground beans. For her part, Gaylene, when she tried it, couldn’t taste the difference between home-ground and bought-ground.

Gaylene always ground the coffee beans the night before, in preparation for the next morning. She was in the adjoining kitchen while her husband sat and watched the News on television. Of course she could only grind during the advertisements. Even then, Gaylene had to first announce “NOISE!” and then would begin grinding.

Anyway, the other evening her husband was trying to watch the television and the grinder just kept going. So after the sports results had finished and he’d told her to “turn that thing off” several times, he got up and looked.

And she’d been electrocuted.

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