351. Hospitality
© Bruce Goodman 26 September 2014

Charlotte was a delightful person. She was one of those school mothers who always lent a hand, be it running a vegetable or cake stall for the school gala or being an extra helper on class day trips. The other parents always enjoyed her company. She was enchanting. She was always happy and lovely, and practical to a T.

She worked in hotels: making beds, vacuuming, cleaning windows, replacing towels… “My work doesn’t have too many opportunities for climbing the ladder,” she’d say, “but it’s money, isn’t it?”

Once, when her little boy took ill at school, they had to phone her at work. The receptionist answered. And, yes, indeed, she did work in an aspect of the hospitality business, but it wasn’t in the area she had said.

Nonetheless, Charlotte was a delightful person. She was one of those school mothers who always lent a hand, be it running a vegetable or cake stall for the school gala or being an extra helper on class day trips. A number of parents took their children out of the school. They weren’t having their kids go to the same school as the kid of a professional hooker.

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