350. Dirk tap dances
© Bruce Goodman 25 September 2014

Dirk took up tap dancing. He would go to Jennifer Jean’s Dance Studio every Wednesday from 7 till 9 pm.

His friends expressed great surprise; laugher even. He had a bad knee, resulting from a rugby injury. He didn’t have a musical note in his body. Why the hell would he want to do tap dancing?

Cecilia was the great beauty of the town. Guys took bets as to who would be the one to win the hand of Cecilia. Dirk wasn’t even on the list. He was too rough. Cecilia would want someone with a touch of class; an artiste; an elegant, debonair man; courteous, well-groomed, refined, charming. Dirk was none of those. He couldn’t even tap dance properly.

Cecilia’s ballet lessons at Jennifer Jean’s Dance Studio finished at 9 pm every Wednesday. Dirk just happened to be going down the stairs each Wednesday evening at the same time.

They’ve been married for sixty years next Monday.

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