349. Running
© Bruce Goodman 24 September 2014

Let me tell you a little story.

Calvin would go for a run every day at the same time. He would follow the same path, the same roads. He was eighteen.

His mother always pulled his leg. How come you do your hair and brush your teeth before you go for a run? Is there a pretty girl waiting on a corner?”

Rosie would go for a run every day at the same time. She would follow the same path, the same roads. She was eighteen.

Her mother always pulled her leg. How come you do your hair and brush your teeth before you go for a run? Is there a handsome boy waiting on a corner?”

Calvin and Rosie would run in opposite directions. They would pass each other on a long straight stretch of road. “Hi!” they would say as they passed. That was all they had ever said. They didn’t even know each other’s names.

“Hi!” said Calvin as Rosie passed.

“Hi!” said Rosie as Calvin passed.

One day, as Calvin ran down the straight, Rosie wasn’t there. The next day she wasn’t there either. Nor the next. Calvin ended up running the circuit twice. He changed his running times. He changed his pace. He changed his direction.

Two weeks had gone by and there was no sign of Rosie. Not a sign.

Suddenly, one day, oh! there she was! There she was! There she was!

“Hi!” said Calvin as Rosie passed.

“Hi!” said Rosie as Calvin passed.

That was years ago. They still go in opposite directions on their running circuit, but now they leave from the same house. None of us five kids are into running.

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