401. A terrible thing
© Bruce Goodman 15 November 2014

“What a terrible thing,” said Beatrice. She was referring to an article in the paper about a fire that had gutted an historic homestead somewhere down the road.

“The family lost everything. Apparently the damage is irreparable. Fire is a terrible thing, isn’t it? And such a shame to see a valuable building go up in flames.”

Beatrice suggested they get in the car and go have a look themselves.

“It’s just a bit down the road. What a tragedy. It was such a grand building. To think, all that history burnt to the ground; now simply a heap of smouldering embers.”

They piled into the car and headed off. When they reached the site of the homestead, it looked almost normal. Just a few scorch marks around some of the windows.

“Is that all? Oh! How disappointing!” said Beatrice.

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