192. Language changes, some things don't
© Bruce Goodman 20 April 2014

Occasionally I like to compose a true story:

Just before I begin: when I was a kid at secondary school, the real live von Trapp family (The Sound of Music) came to school assembly and sang.

Later, in the school choir, we sang a couple of the von Trapp Christmas carols (not from the musical). I couldn’t sing for peanuts, but was in the choir because I played the piano. (Work that one out).

The words of the chorus of one Christmas carol I remember well:

Child in oxen stall
Make us holy all.
Infant in the hay,
Make us gay!

I suspect, for a number in the choir, the prayer was answered.

However, all that’s an aside to what I set out to say: my great-grandfather was a renowned race horse trainer way back. His name was Harry Goodman. He had a horse called Dick. Here is an extract from the newspaper (The Otago Witness) 26 March 1870:

A large number started for this race, but Mr Goodman’s Dick came first and was magnificent.

Language changes over time, but some things don’t alter from one generation to another.

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