Mt. St. Mary’s,
Mon. 15/11/71.

Dear Mum & Dad,

I’m sorry I didn’t write last week. We have a conge today, & it is lovely weather.

The drive has been tar-sealed from the bridge near the cellars to the garage up at the back. They didn’t have enough money to tar-seal the lot, but that back stretch of drive gets the most traffic. It has made a tremendous difference, especially dust-wise.

We have our first exam on Thursday – History.

Last night the local Anglican Choir – Taradale’s All Saints – came up and sang Vespers with us. They are only a children’s choir but it made a big difference to the sound. Fr. Bonisch left last Wednesday for the beginning of his Sabbatical Leave (after 18 years of teaching philosophy). The young Fathers left last Monday for Christchurch. As far as I know they made it, in spite of the shipping strike.

Last Sunday the Hastings Third Order of Mary came up here for one of their meetings. Leila & Nola were here. Leila actually gave a talk & they said it was very good, although I didn’t go. There were over 100 3rd Order members at the meeting, so that was very good.

The shifts of priests should be out any day I think. Fr. Hickey was double booked on the plane to Wellington last night, so he had to drive down instead. However, I see he was at Mass this morning so I don’t know what happened.

I suppose you saw that a block (St. P. Chanel’s) at ‘Futuna’ was destroyed by fire early Saturday morning. It happened just a few days before Fr. Beban leaves Futuna as boss. As someone said, “He’s leaving in a blaze of glory”!

The latest craze here is water polo, & it makes you very tired. Had better go now.

Love from

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