Mt. St. Mary’s,

Dear Mum & Dad,

There is not much news this week. Frs. Hickey and Scully are still away. On Friday morning until Saturday morning, Dr Dunn from Auckland, (I think he might be Fr. Dunn’s brother) came and gave us a series of talks. He was very good, and spoke on subjects such as Neurotics, and Abortion, etc.

Last night I went into Napier to hear Peter Godfrey – professor of Music at Auckland University – give a talk on Choral Singing. I didn’t get much out of it. This afternoon I’m going to another talk on Choral Techniques and Choral Conducting.

We’ve got a conge on Thursday. Wish Stan a Happy Birthday for me on Tuesday! Next Sunday is a Visiting Day (Labour Weekend).

I can’t think of any more news.

Love from

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