Getting ready for a game of Tagg. Me top left.

Mt. St. Mary’s,
Tues. 17th Aug. ’71.

Dear Mum & Dad,

Sorry I never wrote last Sunday. I am writing this before going on a Conge. We were supposed to have one yesterday but it rained.

Well, the Broadcast Mass went very well. What did you think of it? They even mentioned my name on the radio. I have heard a recording of it.

On Sunday afternoon I went down to the opening of the new wing at St. Joseph’s Maori Girls College. Bishop Sneddon opened it. It is quite a nice new building with cubicles for the girls, & 2 very big classrooms. Sr. Margaret Purdie, the superior, said that she’d turned down over 100 applicants already this year, & this is only August (Maoris aren’t renowned for applying this early either, she said), so they are short of room. The new wing won’t allow any more pupils but simply cater for the ones already there. Before, their dormitories were just chock-a-block with beds.

I posted another “Vinculum” away yesterday.

I was pleased to hear you have another glass house. Where abouts have you put it?

I haven’t had much time to practise the accordion, & with the Musical – “Naughty Marietta” – coming up I’ll probably be fairly busy with the piano. This year Michael Pervan & I are doing half each. I wanted Michael to do it all but he couldn’t manage it. He will be alright next year by himself. We were trying to get duet music but we couldn’t.

I haven’t got any apostolic work outside the seminary yet, but there hasn’t been much time so far this term.

In regard to the dates for my Xmas holidays, I will give you them later, but generally now, you can pick your own dates for going & coming back, as long as it is 3 weeks.

The first aspirant, Peter Head, left last Tuesday. He has a brother, Kevin, here in his 5th year. Last Friday John Morley left – very suddenly. He was in his 5th year, one above me, so you never know who’s going to go next.

Last Saturday we had some slides on the Solomon Islands, & I had done a tape of a commentary to go with it, complete with aeroplane & outboard motor noises. We also had some music which fitted very nicely into it.

Tomorrow I am giving a sermon in class.

Well, I had better go & get ready for the conge now.

Love from

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