Mt. St. Mary’s, Greenmeadows. 21/3/71. Dear Mum & Dad, We had very good weather all this last week, & although it is very hot, autumn & winter must be coming because several of the oak trees seem to be changing colour! We had a full day’s picking of grapes last Wednesday (I was in the cellars). This leaves only ½ day’s picking to do – I think we are doing it on Tuesday. I will be glad when all this picking is over. Frs. Hickey & O’Meeghan went to Whangarei this weekend for the opening of Pompallier College by the Cardinal today. I planted all the anemone bulbs yesterday Mum so have now only to wait for them to come up. I will send you some Agapantha (blue ones) (can’t spell it) seeds if you still want them because there are a lot of them. We have a lot to essays to write before Easter – “Gregory Nazianzen & Appolinarianism”, “Greek Witness to the Immortality of the Soul”, Jeremiah – Prophet of Hope”, “Double Effect”, & “Bonhoeffer”!!! So you can imagine that I’m not wanting Lent to hurry because I haven’t started any yet!” I was sorry to hear that Mrs. Coles had died. Well, I can’t think of any more news. I seem to be very sleepy these last few weeks. Fr. Hickey told me to go & see the doctor, so I’ll go sometime this week, although it seems a bit funny going when there’s nothing wrong with me – I think it must be the weather! Love from Bruce |