Mt. St. Mary’s,
Sun. 19th July ‘70

Dear Mum & Dad,

Thanks for the days out – they were very enjoyable. I wrote to Leila.

The place is in a mess at the moment. We came back from Camp last Thursday. I managed to get a ride out to Camp on the Monday.

Tomorrow a 3 day Seminar begins. It is given by Fr. Stanley S.J. – a Scripture expert from Canada. About 100 priests are coming (including Fr. Collins & Greally). About 13 of the priests are staying here.

I didn’t know that the 2 Fr. O’Dowd’s had gone back to Ireland for a while?

Today was a very, very fine day. I hope it stays like it for the Seminar.

Classes start on Thursday.

The newly ordained Frs. are all back now. 3 of them came back with the ‘flu’. We are hoping to keep the ‘flu’ out until the Seminar is over. Fr. Tapp is the only one in bed at the moment.

At the end of this month we have another Seminar – the Catholic Doctors’ Conference which we can attend. We’re all hoping to get the ‘flu’ then so we can get personally attended.

The Theologians Study was painted last week – A pale blue roof, white walls, & an awful pinky-browny skirting.

Well – It’s tea time so I’d better go.

Love from

Fr Stanley's visit.
Some of the 1970 student community.

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