Mt. St. Mary’s,

Dear Mum & Dad,

The weeks seem to go that fast that half the time I don’t know whether the “news” is this week’s or next week’s – So I probably keep telling you the same things week after week.

Please wish Sue a “Happy Birthday”! I was going to write but haven’t left enough time tonight to do it – but tell her I’ll eventually get round to writing [probably] sometime.

Thanks very much for sending the photos – they are good to have.

Did you know that Fr. Chaney is being shifted from Silverstream, and is becoming curate here at Meeanee? I think it’s because of his health. The seminary is in the Meeanee Parish – but the PP. & Curates don’t live up here – they live in an old house at Meeanee (as you probably know anyway).

Last Thursday week I was voted as Club Secretary for 5 weeks (I think I might have told you). Club is when we meet every Thursday evening & take turns to give speeches & then have a discussion. Being Secretary is not a very big job though - & usually they pick the biggest blundering idiot to get up & read the minutes & make a fool of himself. Last week after I’d read the minutes someone moved that all adjectives be removed from the minutes, but this proposal failed. Usually the minutes aren’t very accurate – but only an occasion for describing in the most vivid language the shambles had at the last meeting.

We can now watch T.V. every night if we want to – until 9 p.m. I haven’t watched at all so far - & don’t think I’ll watch much because we don’t get much time – because of study. The funny thing about it is that we gave up films to pay for our T.V. set – but the only times possible for us viewing T.V. don’t have very good programmes on so I think we should have stuck to films!! It seems funny having T.V. now though – I’d forgotten that things like “Coronation Street” even existed!

Tagg Season has started ? I’ve been going for some runs to get in some sort of shape but am still very stiff.

We got 1.8” of rain on May 1st which is 0.14” more than we got for the whole of May last year! So you don’t know what’s going to happen next. I see in the paper that Otaki is still suffering from lack of rain.

Well, I can’t think of much more news this week.

Love from

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