Sun. 7th Sept. ’69.

Dear Mum & Dad,

We all seem to have recovered from the Visiting Day. It was also good seeing Tony & Mehegan on the Monday too.

On the Tuesday we were playing Tagg & I got my knee knocked. My leg swelled up & I could hardly walk for about a day. On Thursday it was still playing up so I went to the Dr. in Palmerston. He said that it was just a bruise on the joint (an infusion) & gave me some stuff to rub on it. I am not allowed to do much walking on it, so yesterday I spent most of the day in bed (it also happened to be the finest day so far this year). I am up again today but it is still much the same. It doesn’t hurt very much, but it is just a nuisance because I have to hobble everywhere!

About 15+ Brothers are here at the moment making a retreat. Benediction last night was minus an organist because I couldn’t peddle an organ!

Maka caught a magpie in the trap on Friday & Tony Solomone killed another with a shanghai this morning.

In spite of all your efforts to tell me to get a new collar I didn’t. This morning Fr. Bennett told me to get a new collar from the office, so it looks like you were right after all!

Well, I can’t think of any more news. I suppose Sue, Francie & Leo are on their holiday.

Love from

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