Me spraying the roses |
“Highden.” Sun. 24th Aug. ’69. Dear Mum & Dad, Well there is quite a bit of news this week. Last Wednesday we all got in the van & Bro. Joachim took us to Horowhenua vs. Tonga. I saw a lot of people I knew; including Frs. Carol & Aitkins & Mr. Ryder. We also met Fr. Mullins S.M. who is the manager & coach of the Tongans. He actually gave us the tickets into the grandstand. After the game Maka signed Autographs & pretended that he was a Tongan player. Then the 4 Tongan Novices went to the after match function. They were at school with some of the players. We went down town & “hadda cuppa tea” with Bro. Joachim. We got back to “Highden” at about 7.30 p.m. Yesterday afternoon we went into Palmerston to see S’Stream play P.Nth Boys High & draw 3-3. It was a very exciting game because S’Stream could have lost the game at any moment. Steven McCarthy (Dr. McCarthy’s son) kicked S’Stream’s only points. I saw Mr. Avery & Bernard & Paul there. Also Mark Keogh. Also saw a lot of Fathers from S’Stream. Also saw Kerry Maher. Please wish Helen a “Happy Birthday” for me. We have finished pruning the roses & nearly finished spraying them. Today is a very fine day but Fr. Bennett is fairly strict about working on Sundays so I can’t finish them today. Well, I can’t think of any more news. Bro. Anthony is still down at Christchurch because his mother is going very quickly. I am going to the dentist in Feilding on Tuesday. Will see you on Sunday. Love from Bruce P.S. I was wondering if you could bring up with you when you come the book I got from Mrs. Walls as a music prize – “The Pictorial History of Music” I think. It is a big book with pictures in. Also I was wondering if I could borrow the book at home called “N.Z. Birds” I think. It has got pictures in it too. Bruce |