Tim McCann & Tiny Solomone with Hawk-eye the Magpie

Sun. 17th Aug. ’69.

Dear Mum & Dad,

Thanks for the soutane. I will write to the Sisters next week. – Fr. Bennett has given permission. It is a trifle too long. So I won’t be able to wear it until it is taken up.

You know that letter from “Jack Williamson”? Well, it was really from Tony O’Connor!!! So if Leo is wondering who he is, etc. please explain.

Friday was the feast of the Assumption. We had a sung Mass in the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon.

Congratulate Gerry Koot (on finishing his hours) for me!

Next Wednesday the Tongans are Playing Horowhenua so we are hoping to go to Levin for that. We think that we probably will, although Fr. Bennett hasn’t confirmed all the rumours yet. Also, next Sat. is the S’Stream vs. Palmerston Nth. Boys High Match & we are hoping to go to that. (The latter is the traditional match for Novices to go to, but if we go to the Tongan match, we might miss out on the S’Stream match this year). Anyway, if Leo goes to the Palm. Nth. Match, tell him to look out for us.

We have nearly finished pruning the roses, & after that there is spraying & digging & manuring to do. It will be a bit tricky this year because we have had a dry winter, & I think the average rainfall here is fairly regular. This means you can only do the roses during a dry spell.

There is a mad magpie that attacks anyone who goes into the vegetable garden. Tony O’Connor has a neurosis about magpies, & he’s in charge of the garden. The result is that whenever he wants to do some gardening, he has to take someone with him, so he is getting a lot of extra work done.

My latest craze is weight-lifting!!!!!! The most I’ve got it up is 8 times (record is 20), but am running about “3rd” in the competition – (there are 3 of us in it!) So next time you see me, I’ll probably be bursting out of my soutane.

Brother Anthony [Cunningham] – a novice brother in our band – flew home to Christchurch yesterday because his mother is dying of cancer.

Tim Donoghue’s father is still the same.

Well, I had better go now.

Love from

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