Mount Saint Mary's, Greenmeadows

Mt. St. Marys,
11.30 a.m. Sun. 11th Feb. ‘68

Dear Mum & Dad,

Just a short note to let you know how things are going.

I have unpacked & my room looks quite homely.

The new boys got a sleepin this morning – until 7.30 approx. – but I think the normal rising time is 5.30 a.m. After breakfast at 8 a.m. we had Mass – concelebrated – which took an hour. The day is almost to ourselves now – interrupted by lunch. Some of us have already gone for a walk up the hill opposite the Seminary.

I can see the Trask’s car out my window so I might see them.

The food, incidentally, is very good, as was expected.

Dad, Fr. Flanagan introduced himself today. Apparently the Flanagan family were friends with the Goodman family. Fr. Flanagan was saying that he was very good friends with Roy at the Hutt Valley in Primary School days. He also remembers you, Rene & Dorrie, & wanted to see you yesterday but missed the opportunity. However, there is always another time.

I’m still really wondering where and who everyone is. Only one small mistake so far – last night all the Aspirants unconsciously attempted to squeeze themselves into the same small pew in Chapel, the one nearest to the door! This brought a few sniggers from the elders because apparently it happens every year.

Well, that is all the news so far. Will write again next weekend.

Love from

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