St. Patrick's College, Silverstream

St. Patrick’s College,
Heretaunga, N.Z.
Sun. 26th Nov. ‘67

Dear Mum and Dad,

This will be my last letter home from here. Just a reminder – the breakup is on the 5th Dec. at 2.30 p.m. (Fr. O’Connor’s Month’s Mind is the same day at 10.30 a.m.).

I have sat two of my four Bursary exams – English and Biology. I have got Chemistry on Monday (tomorrow) & Maths on Tuesday. They are 3 hour exams and we get 10 extra minutes to read it. English was very good. The first thing I noticed when I got the Biology paper was that it was 32 pages long! – and only 10 minutes to read it. 32 pages, and nearly all compulsory questions. However I finished 99 marks worth. If I had another 3 minutes I could have done the lot – it is hard to say how well/bad I did.

One of the Fathers told a boy that surplices are made and sold at Te Horo. I presume he means the Good Shepherd Convent, so that would be a handy place to buy from.

Have Sue and Kitch thought up a name yet? I dreamt last night that they called her Mopsy and I nearly died.

On Thursday and Friday this week we are going on our bivouac. I heard this time it is somewhere out of Waikanae – I suppose Rikiorangi somewhere.

Well that is all for now. See you on Tuesday week.

Love from

Me at this time

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