827. A curse
© Bruce Goodman 15 January 2016

I didn’t want them to go. I told them not to go. They said, surely you don’t believe in all that hocus pocus? so off they went; the three of them in their old bomb of a car.

Hearsay has it that the old, old witch of the town was buried in a cave somewhere up the valley with a heap of gold coins. Years and years ago. Over a century ago. There was a curse attached: anyone who finds the gold will be cursed. So now, my two teenage kids and their friend are off in the car to find gold.

Surely you don’t believe in all that hocus pocus?

Well, at the moment I don’t. We’re currently building a new house, and my two kids and their friend, are off for a month's surfing stint in Hawaii. All great fun!

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