726. Mountain wedding
© Bruce Goodman 6 October 2015

Anna and Earl had planned their wedding for months, in fact years. They were both keen mountain climbers. They had scaled many a peak together. Although they had never conquered Everest, they had been to the Himalayas and loved it. That’s why they wanted to get married there.

But what of family? Should they come too?

In the end they decided on just the two of them, and a small wedding “re-enactment” could be made with family and friends when they returned.

And the planning! What to wear? Did the Himalayas grow wedding flowers? All was arranged and off they flew. Two loved birds flying to the wedding of their dreams!

More than 4,800 people dead. More than 9,200 injured. Eight million affected across Nepal. One million children urgently in need of help.

Those are the startling numbers that indicate the scale of the devastation from the huge earthquake that struck the Himalayan nation on Saturday.

And some of the grim figures are likely to get even worse as hopes of rescuing any more survivors diminish every hour.

Heartbreaking scenes of suffering and loss are playing out across this shell-shocked nation as it reels from its deadliest natural disaster in years.

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