782. Nolan orders a book
© Bruce Goodman 1 December 2015

Poor old Nolan was having vivid dreams. They were not nice. In them people he knew were always dying. He told his doctor about the dreams and she waved her hand in the air and said, “For goodness sake, they’re just dreams, so get on with it.”

Nolan was not satisfied with the response. He searched online and purchased a book on how to interpret dreams. It should arrive in the mail next Thursday.

In the meantime he went to see a clairvoyant. She too said not to worry. Things you dream never happen. If you dream of something and it happens you’re a dead duck. Those were her exact words; you’re a goner if what you dream comes true; you’re dead; you might as well order your coffin.

Last night, Nolan dreamt that he’d ordered a book online about how to interpret dreams, and it would arrive in the mail next Thursday.

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