558. Ballad of Giles the Tenant
© Bruce Goodman 21 April 2015

It had hardly rained all summer, and then came a few heavy autumn showers. Giles discovered that the roof leaked in his rented bedroom. He phoned the rental agency and left a message.

Nice weather returned. Then it rained. Giles noticed that the unfixed roof still leaked in his rented bedroom so he phoned the rental agency and left a message.

The sunshine came back. Next it poured down. Giles moved his bed into the corridor to avoid dripping rainwater. He phoned the rental agency and left a message.

A cool early winter’s sunny day! Giles abandoned house. It was damp, and mildew was appearing on the wallpaper.

Midwinter. The rental agency was furious. They refused to give Giles his rental bond back. Irresponsible tenant.

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