347. Dodos
© Bruce Goodman 22 September 2014

Some thought it to be the most exciting scientific discovery in years.

On a smallish rocky outcrop in Mauritius, two scientists discovered a pair of breeding dodos. The dodos had a nest with several eggs.

Scientist Dolina Hetherington, along with fellow biologist Rory Parkinson, said that the eggs tasted more like duck eggs than regular hen’s eggs. “They would’ve been better poached,” added Rory. “Dolina always insists on scrambling her eggs.”

“And the dodo flesh,” said Dolina, “was a little too salty for my taste.”

“They really needed to be stuffed with a sage and onion stuffing,” said Rory. “Not at all like pigeon, I thought. More like chicken with a hint of pork. Next time I’m going to roast them and not stick them in a pie.”

Dolina concurred. “Dodo pie isn’t exactly my cup of tea.”

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