394. A reflection in three parts
© Bruce Goodman 8 November 2014

Part I

Georgina was running late. She was about to walk to church with her two sisters but it looked like rain. She had to get her coat. She had to find her umbrella. The year was 1817. They walked hastily to church. The sermon was boring. The service took over an hour. Georgina and her sisters came home.

A few years later, Georgina married Edmund and they had seven children. Today, their descendants number in the hundreds. One of them is you.

Part II

Georgina had plenty of time. She walked to church with her two sisters on this beautiful, beautiful morning. The year was 1817.

On the way to the church she bumped into Geoffrey, the most handsome, eligible bachelor in town. The sermon was delightful. The service seemed to be over before you could blink an eye.

Georgina and Geoffrey eventually married and had eleven children. Today, their descendants number in the hundreds. Not one of them is you.

Part III

How arbitrary!

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