444. Ellen does the ironing
© Bruce Goodman 28 December 2014

Ellen got out the iron. She always got a little pensive when she got out the iron. Who needed to iron these days anyway? But she found it therapeutic. It was a good way for her to put her thoughts together.

It was only a few days before the New Year. Everyone was out. Her husband had taken the youngest boy, Seth, to see the New Zealand Rugby team trounce the British and Irish Lions. Giles, the oldest, had gone to watch New Zealand defeat India in the field hockey. Edith had gone with friends to watch New Zealand conquer Australia at the netball. Zach had been gone all day, having watched New Zealand rout South Africa in the cricket.

So, Ellen was alone at home. And ironing.

She wondered what the New Year would bring. What family joys? What family sadnesses? Their little pains. Their hopes. She prayed that all would be safe this coming year.

And then there were world events. What would that bring as well?

The ironing was finished. All came home. Safely.

The clock ticked.

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