40. Wanna Come In For a Good Time?
© Bruce Goodman 19 November 2013

Anton was all of nineteen and had never had a girlfriend. It wasn’t that he was gay or anything. It’s just that he was shy, and self-conscious. Once, years ago, on a school camp, they were telling jokes, and he told a joke. Everyone screamed with laughter. But instead of thinking he’d told a funny joke, he thought everyone was laughing at HIM. He thought he wasn’t as good-looking as the others. He thought he was awkward.

Now all the guys his age that he knew had girlfriends, and were probably “doing it”. He’d never “done it”. In fact, he was almost obsessed with wondering what “doing it” was like.

He decided to settle it once and for all, take the plunge, go where angels fear to tread. One night he went down town with his wallet crammed with cash and walked the red-light area. He walked down the street, passing the doors of several brothels that were masquerading as strip clubs. There were various men strolling ahead of him. Each strip club entrance had bouncers — muscle-ripped men with moustaches.

At one door, a bouncer said to each male as they passed, “Hey bud! Wanna come in for a good time?”

Wanna come in for a good time?
Wanna come in for a good time?

Anton neared. He thought, “When he invites me, I’ll dart into that strip club.”

Wanna come in for a good time?
Wanna come in for a good time?

Anton reached the bouncer’s door. “Hi, bud!” said the bouncer. “Having a nice night?”

Anton walked passed. It did nothing for his confidence that every other male was invited inside, and he had simply been wished a pleasant evening.

Anton was all of twenty-five and had never had a girlfriend. It wasn’t that he was gay or anything. It’s just that he was shy.

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