3092. The cloak of darkness
© Bruce Goodman 21 January 2025

Two figures slipped through the darkness of the night. Cloaked in black, they moved like shadows. Their stealth was unnecessary. At this time no one was about.

Suddenly there was a gunshot. One of the black-cloaked figures lay dead on the pavement. The other had disappeared.

A little later, back at the Police Station, Police Officer Gilroy was being congratulated. Not only had he killed the first shadowy figure, but he had disguised himself with the black cloak and was able to meet up with and annihilate the second thief. Well done Officer Gilroy!

The Chief of Police entered grim-faced. “This is a sad day for us,” he said. “Our two best officers have been killed in the line of duty. They went out wearing black cloaks disguised as thieves in order to catch robbers currently running rampant in the area. They were shot point blank. Such a crime will not go unpunished.”

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