2903. The keys
© Bruce Goodman 13 November 2023

Once upon a time when Bluebeard was away from his castle on business, his wife, Concepta, came across a bunch of keys. There were four keys, each labelled in Bluebeard’s handwriting, with a woman’s name: Correena, Modesta, and Collette. Concepta tried to not let it get to her, but it was most unsettling. The fourth key was labelled with Concepta’s name. That was the most disconcerting thing of all. It must be her; she was the only Concepta within a day’s horse-riding from the castle.

Concepta was an orderly person. In fact, some called her obsessive-compulsive. She went around the castle with a notebook counting and recording each room door. There were five hundred and twenty seven doors. If she were to test all four keys in each door she would have to make two thousand one hundred and eight attempts. She began.

The first door she tried was already unlocked. Silly me! thought Concepta. She went around all five hundred and twenty seven doors only to discover they were all unlocked. Goodness! These keys must be for rooms going off the unlocked rooms. She began to investigate and found four hundred and thirty one doors within rooms. Each was locked.

In a methodical way she began testing the keys. She had only tried forty two locks when she had success! The key with Correena’s name opened a door. There was nothing in the room but another door. The key with Modesta’s name opened that door. There was nothing in the room but another door. The key with Collette’s name opened that door. There was nothing in the room but another door. The key with Concepta’s name opened that door. There was nothing in the room.

The door slammed locked-shut. The key didn’t work from the inside. Sound from a high window meant one thing: Bluebeard had arrived home. Concepta heard him order the sharpening of his scimitar.

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