Goodman-Scrimshaw Family Tree

Go to the Goodman Ancestors


The Goodmans came from Redruth, Cornwall, England. Henry Goodman senior came to Adelaide, South Australia, in 1847. His son, also called Henry, was born there that same year. Henry junior came to New Zealand around 1862 and lived in Dunedin.

Henry Goodman 1847-1915 Great-GrandfatherAlbert Goodman 1877-1951 GrandfatherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father


The Lowes came from Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. James Lowe came to New Zealand in 1858 and settled in Dunedin.

James Lowe 1828-1890 Great-Great-GrandfatherAnnie Lowe 1854-1932 Great-GrandmotherAlbert Goodman 1877-1951 GrandfatherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father


The Greens came from Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. Hannah Green came to New Zealand in 1858 and settled in Dunedin.

Hannah Green 1829-1896 Great-Great-GrandmotherAnnie Lowe 1854-1932 Great-GrandmotherAlbert Goodman 1877-1951 GrandfatherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father

Go to the Scrimshaw Ancestors


The Scrimshaws came from Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England. George Scrimshaw spent several months in 1856 in Australia as part of the 65th Regiment. Later that year he came to New Zealand and settled in the Hutt Valley.

George Scrimshaw 1824-1894 Great-Great-GrandfatherJames Scrimshaw 1855-1929 Great-GrandfatherMinnie Elizabeth Scrimshaw 1885-1948 GrandmotherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father


The Jollys came from Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, England. Thomas Jolly came to New Zealand in 1864 and settled in the Hutt Valley.

Thomas Jolly 1809-1889 Great-Great-GrandfatherMartha Jolly 1851-1913 Great-GrandmotherMinnie Elizabeth Scrimshaw 1885-1948 GrandmotherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father


The Coxs came from Mullingar, County Meath, Ireland. Margaret Cox came to New Zealand in 1846 and settled in the Hutt Valley.

Margaret Cox 1825-1905 Great-Great-GrandmotherJames Scrimshaw 1855-1929 Great-GrandfatherMinnie Elizabeth Scrimshaw 1885-1948 GrandmotherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father


The Snellings originally came from Woolpit, Suffolk, England. Mary Ann Snelling came to New Zealand in 1864 (via Cambridgeshire) and settled in the Hutt Valley.

Mary Ann Snelling 1809-1873 Great-Great-GrandmotherMartha Jolly 1851-1913 Great-GrandmotherMinnie Elizabeth Scrimshaw 1885-1948 GrandmotherFrank Goodman 1911-1984 Father