Mt. St. Mary’s,
P.O. Box 43,

Dear Mum & Dad,

The time seems to be flying so fast that it seems like I write home every day! There doesn’t seem to be any news these days. At last the term is settling down, after the distractions of grape-picking, Easter, Final Profession, Acolyte and so on. The term’s already half over, and I don’t seem to have started work yet.

Last Sunday a week ago, the Catholic Women’s Leagues of Napier, Hastings and Taradale paid us a visit. We put a short concert on for them, & I played the piano.

On the Saturday before that we went to Fr. Arbuckle’s mother’s funeral. (I think I told you that she had died). Today some have gone to the funeral of Damien Cacciopolli’s sister-in-law in Hastings. Damien is at “Highden” at the moment. His sister-in-law was only 28. I see on our notice board that Ernie Todd has cancer, & has only a couple of months to live.

Last Friday & Saturday we were given some talks by a Dr. Bell. She is a German-born, naturalized N.Zer, who is an art critic. She was very interesting.

I’ve been playing a lot of Tagg Rugby this year. It has been very enjoyable, but it is my 1st bit of exercise for 18 months so you can imagine how tiring it gets…

Next Sunday, I think I told you, I’m off to Massey for a week, & will be staying on campus.

Rob Devlin is at hospital at the moment having an operation on his left knee. He keeps injuring it, & so they are going to tighten up a few cords and joints.

Paul Gill, in his fourth year, left the other day. He is from Christchurch, & an old boy of St. Bede’s.

This is the last page of the pad, so it’s just as well that there’s no more news. I won’t write next week until I get back from Massey.

Love from

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