Bishop Finau with new Acolytes & all

Mt. St. Mary’s,
P.O. Box 43,
2nd May ’74.

Dear Mum & Dad,

Thank you for sending the “Parades”. They are always very interesting to read, and are useful for giving talks out of when we have “Club” every Thursday. It gets very difficult to find new and interesting topics after a while, & the Parades are excellent here.

The Schola concert in Napier Cathedral went very well – last Friday night. There was a reasonably large crowd there. I had to give an introduction to each song and then we sang it. We sang Mainly Gregorian Chant.

The retreat is over – it rained all week during it, but was very good. Bishop Finau made me an Acolyte, so that I can now give out communion.

Fr. Doogan was up here during the retreat. He came to give a talk to the local deanery of priests.

Yesterday and today the weather is glorious. But as soon as the sun goes down it is freezing. Fortunately the place is now heated, so it’s not too bad.

I will be doing a course at Massey from Mon. 20th May until Saturday 25th. This is for History I. At the moment I’m busy summarizing some books. We have an exam in it while we are down there. I haven’t got any assignment back from Massey yet, although I’ve sent two away.

Fr. Arbuckle’s mother died yesterday. She had been bed-ridden for many years. Fr. Arbuckle is away in the Pacific, but had planned to return to New Zealand for a week on May the 4th, and that is when the funeral is. They are from Napier, although she died in Palmerston Nth.

I killed a wasps’ nest the other day – on the side of the hill where the plantation used to be. There are a lot of wasps about this year. Brother Basil killed two wasps’ nests earlier on in the year, but wasps still seem to be everywhere. I have a wasp that has just landed on my pen – that’s what reminded me!

Well, I must go off to a class now.

Love from the Acolyte,

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