1363. Mary's foul mood
© Bruce Goodman 2 August 2018

It should have been the happiest day of her life - well, perhaps it should have been one of the four happiest days of her life because this was her fourth marriage – but Mary was in a foul mood. Nothing was going right for this wedding. Nothing had gone right during the preparations. And now (she had discovered this only during the wedding rehearsal the night before) she was infatuated by the best man.

He was so handsome, so masculine, so… so unlike the little weedy creature she was meant to get married to in a few hours. Dirk was Rupert’s best man. They had been life time friends. Mary had no idea why. They were so different. They had nothing in common. Rupert spent his free time reading and playing mah-jong on his computer. Dirk was into tennis and fishing and mountain climbing. And he had spent time in the army – not to mention the time he spent in the gym.

Oh! What to do? What to do? Should she call the wedding off? There was a toaster and a few other bits and pieces among the wedding gifts she liked. It would be churlish to call the wedding off.

Suddenly, Mary’s foul mood disappeared. She had a thought! She would go through with the wedding. Of course, the marriage would quickly crumble, but it would be a good way of getting to Dirk.

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