1146. Sad triangles
© Bruce Goodman 30 September 2017

Dallas had to write a poem for school. He already had his opening line:

Nothing’s as sad as a triangle.

He didn’t know where the line came from. It just happened.

Nothing’s as sad as a triangle.

He had trouble thinking up what to put next. He knew how it was going to end. At least he knew what he was going to say. He was leading up to the idea that two triangles put together make a diamond. That was a fairly clever idea, he thought. The pattern on Harlequin’s costume were triangles. But when he researched the paintings of Harlequin he saw Harlequin was wearing diamonds. That’s what gave him the idea that two triangles make a diamond.

Nothing’s as sad as a triangle,
But two triangles make a diamond.

Dallas decided that that was the whole poem. He was pretty pleased.

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