849. Granddaughter's birthday
© Bruce Goodman 6 February 2016

I have a memory like a sieve. Which is why it’s such a relief to have remembered I have to go to my granddaughter’s tenth birthday party in a couple of minutes. She was desperate that I go, and of course I said I would. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I could easily forget and find myself going for my daily walk around the lake. And then it would be too late. As I said, I have a memory like a sieve.

I enjoy my daily walk around the lake, especially now that summer is here. Using a walking stick has been a great help. I never knew a simple walking stick could be so handy. It takes the weight off my cranky old hip. And the doctor said to wear a sun hat. Apparently I had some pre-cancer thingy on the top of my ear. They treated it with a steroid cream but the doctor said to always wear a sun hat. So I do that when I go for my daily walk.

I do enjoy the lake walk. Sometimes I vary the walk a bit and head towards town, but usually it’s just around the lake. I always take a couple of slices of bread for the ducks. The water makes for a peaceful stroll, and the ducks make for some entertainment. And today is such a sunny day!

Now, I’ve just got to get my walking stick, my sunhat, and some bread, and I’m off.

Catch you later!

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