760. In a field of maize
© Bruce Goodman 9 November 2015

The three young guys thought they’d take a shortcut through Old Jimmy McDonald’s maize field. The three had been friends since they started school way back. Now they were in their teens. Old Jimmy McDonald was a garrulous old bastard. He didn’t let anyone near his property.

It was a mad thing to take a shortcut through Old Jimmy McDonald’s maize field.

“He can’t see us,” said Ned. “The corn’s too high.”

“Let’s do it!” said Joe.

“Let’s go!” said Dan.

Through they went, stealthily so as not to move the tall maize too much. Suddenly a gunshot sounded. They took off. They ran like hell. They didn’t squash the maize too much but they escaped. Phew! They were safe! Safe on the far side!

“Where’s Dan?” said Joe.

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