579. Home renovation
© Bruce Goodman 12 May 2015

Myra (known as Bunny since babyhood) and Geoffrey were excited! They had just enough money to buy an old house and property. Slowly, while living in it, they would do it up.

As bits of money came in from work they would spend a little doing this, doing that. It was so satisfying. Then Geoffrey dropped a heavy concrete brick onto the roof and dented it. The roof leaked and they had to get it fixed. There was no money left over for a while after that.

Bunny discovered that the bathroom pipes under the house were leaking so that had to be done as well, rather urgently, for health reasons and because of the smell.

But at last they were on an even keel again and the first thing they did was to uninstall the gas heater in the lounge. They had purchased a proper wood burner, and it was going to be so cosy in winter. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize that they needed “resource consent” from the local town council. When the man came to inspect where the wood burner was to be placed, he refused. The room was inadequately insulated; the place for it to be set wasn’t sturdy enough.

Bunny and Geoffrey were last seen in winter sitting on a sofa together, wrapped in blankets, beanies on heads, and gloves and scarves, watching a TV home renovation programme.

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