611. Rejoice!
© Bruce Goodman 13 June 2015

Rejoice with me! Rejoice! A major film company has just signed a multi-million contract with me to make a film out of one of my novels!!!!!!

I can now afford to buy a house. It’s the security it gives, isn’t it? I won’t have to worry about where the money’s coming from to get the week’s groceries.

And I’ve always wanted a grandfather clock. So that’s a priority! I can see; already I’m getting my priorities wrong! There’s no good getting a grandfather clock until I’ve got the new house, otherwise it’ll be something else that has to be shifted. Oh! But I forgot! I’ll get a removal company to do all the work!

Today my wife and I are going out to look at clocks in the clock shop. We might even survey what properties are currently on the market. We’re not even sure if we’ll continue to live in the area.


Just one further thing I want to say, and please read it carefully - I was just saying the same thing to the wife - it’s such a shame I only ever ever ever write fiction.

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